Monday, July 16, 2012

Seed Stories from the folks in and around Accord, NY

The Hudson Valley Seed Library invited neighbors and people interested in saving seed to the July 16th Seed Broadcast event in Accord, NY. These stories are posted below.
You can find these seed stories and more at the Seed Story Broadcast Page.
Peggy is a retired librarian and the past director at the local library where Ken Greene (founder of Hudson Valley Seed Library) began a seed library years ago. They worked together to learn about seed saving and re-grow their local gardens. This seed saving effort encouraged Peggy to find her father's long time saved seed, producing the most delicious baked beans in the area. Peggy shares this story of Hank's Extra Special Baking Bean here...
Doug Muller shares a seed story about a particular tomato seed that was shared with the Hudson Valley Seed Library.

Nicci Hagan shares a seed story about her own beginnings as a seed saver.

Laura Wyeth, a local resident from the area of Accord, NY, shares her thoughts about feeding her family in the future and concerns she has about food security and seed availability. She is active as a forager and wanting to learn more about seed saving.

Ken Greene from the Hudson Valley Seed Library shares a Seed Story about lettuce seed and the NYC pickle festival.

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