Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rutland Seed Library - Seed Broadcasting Event, Rutland, VT

Ed Graves, Assistant Director of the Rutland Free Library discusses the creation, organization, and dreams of the Rutland Seed Library.
Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station at the Rutland Free Library

Local Seed Savers checking out the Rutland Seed Library and the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station, while discussing local seeds, saving and growing.
Seed Broadcast collaborated on a broadcast event at the Rutland Free Library, in Rutland Vermont on July 17.  We met folks who came from local seed saving projects, market gardeners, and visitors to the public library. We were reminded of why we do what we do, as we headed up New York State towards Vermont and saw the following billboard...

Rutland Seed Library Collection, as people stop by to pick up seeds
Ed Graves, who is the assistant director of the Rutland Free Public Library and who organized the Rutland Seed Library, comes from a background as a market gardener. He was interested in starting this seed sharing project when he moved to Rutland because he had a large collection of seeds that he had been saving. This Seed Library is organized as a annual seed swap, which usually occurs in the spring. He would like to see it grow, as people participate in not only taking seeds home to plant, but returning seeds to grow the library collection.
Ed talks to some local gardeners as they look over the seeds from the library collection

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