Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SeedBroadcasting from Barrio Logan, San Diego, California!

On March 27, 2015, SeedBroadcast partnered with Barrio Seed Bank, Chicano Art Gallery, Radio Pulso del Barrio, and SEEDS at City Urban Farm to conduct Seed Story shout-outs from Barrio Logan, San Diego, California. During the evening, these local organizations worked together to organize a spontaneous sidewalk pop-up and free film screening of Food Inc. to bring greater attention to the health risks of the industrial food system and rethink the neighborhood capacity to creatively organize a grassroots food hub through seeds. SeedBroadcast stopped by to celebrate and support their efforts through Seed Story recordings and open-resource seed sharing.

We pay homage to Chicano Park and to all those who have struggled to make it so.
Here is a section of the pylon mural titled Death of a Farmworker, by Michael Schnorr.

Barrio Logan has historically been referred to as el ombligo or the center of the world. It is a renowned Chicano community that has continually fought for equal rights, equal access, and more than the status quo. Chicano Park, just north of where the Barrio Seed Library event took place is both a visual canvas for Chicano culture and a public green space. During the evening’s event several eyes turned towards the park as the perfect future site for a Barrio Logan Community Garden of edible native plantings to feed people and empower indigenous roots.

Barrio Seed Bank launched their seed project in early 2015 through the united efforts of local community members and creative organizations like, The Roots Factory, Chicano Art Gallery, Radio Pulso del Barrio, and Seeds at City Urban Farm. Their mission is first and primarily to give out free seeds and inspire folks to grow food in their backyards, front yards, everywhere, and anywhere; to make space for an expansive sense of what a community garden might look like. With no land available in this urban area, they are beginning with what is here, private gardens and the knowledge of each anonymous gardener. They hope the seeds will inspire this network to develop through an informal process of sharing seeds, healthy food, and resources.

Another initiative of the group is to continue being active in the community through pop-up events like the free, side-walk screening of Food Inc. Pop-up events engage diverse populations in Barrio Logan through organizing interactive, fun, and family oriented activities. The creative process also plays a significant role in this work, where participatory arts events encourage kids, families, and adults to work together to make art and make a positive mark in their community. During the evening chairs, a big tv, and a sound system played the film as passer-by’s walked up and down the sidewalk catching snippets of the film with Spanish subtitles.

Here are Seed Stories shared from Barrio Logan and also some thoughts about the words “FOOD JUSTICE”

Bob Green talks about the Barrio Seed Bank in Barrio Logan, San Diego, CA: https://soundcloud.com/seedbroadcast/bob-green-talks-about-the-barrio-seed-bank-in-barrio-logan-san-diego-ca

Sergio Garcia JR shares his story about the Barrio Seed Bank: https://soundcloud.com/seedbroadcast/sergio-garcia-jr-shares-his-story-about-the-barrio-seed-bank

Damian Valdez shares his story about the importance of connecting to our food system: https://soundcloud.com/seedbroadcast/damian-valdez-shares-his-story-about-the-importance-of-connecting-to-our-food-system

Stephanie Bernal talks about what Food Justice means and how growing can be challenging: https://soundcloud.com/seedbroadcast/stephanie-bernal-talks-about-what-food-justice-means-and-how-growing-can-be-challenging

Bob Green talks about what Food Justice means to him: https://soundcloud.com/seedbroadcast/bob-green-talks-about-what-food-justice-means-to-him

Many thanks to Cesar Casteñeda and Dulce Martinez who run the Chicano Art Gallery and hosted this event at their location. Please check out their Facebook page for upcoming events and information: https://www.facebook.com/ChicanoArtGallery ¡AND! Their Chicano Art Gallery Proclamation is worth a read! It really sums up the energy we were blessed to be part of for the evening. Mucho Gracias!


Galería de arte Chicano es un hábitat para pensadores creativos a venir junto con otras personas afines para formar un ambiente de libertad de expresión y el ejercicio de nuestra imaginación de formas innovadoras. También queremos mantener y seguir promoviendo el amor propio, sanación y orgullo de nuestra Raza y comunidad mientras que educar a las próximas generaciones de artistas. Menos de una cuadra de Parque Chicano histórico en el Barrio Logan de San Diego, California, es una nueva galería que abrió sus puertas en fines de 2013 con la esperanza de traer más vida, belleza, arte y cultura a la comunidad. Sensibilización, empoderamiento y reconocimiento de muchos grandes chicanos que vinieron antes que nosotros y lucharon por un futuro mejor. Y para toda la gente que luchó contra las injusticias. Aquellos que desafiaron el systemand todos sus defectos. Por nuestros camaradas que iniciaron las revoluciones. Para aquellos que estaban parados contra la discriminación y maltrato de trabajo duro muchos los seres humanos. Galería de arte Chicano es una plataforma para los individuos y grupos que tienen algo que decir. Le invitamos a muchos hábitats variaties diferentes formas de arte como poesía y palabra hablada, fotografía y muchas otras artes visuales y musicales. Este dominio está aquí para demostrar que muchas cosas buenas vienen de Barrio, no sólo las etiquetas estéreo-típico negativas que han sido presionadas a muchos. Este centro es una prueba que es posible el cambio positivo y la gente ya no está dispuesta a ajustarse a la corrupción, trato injusto, la opresión y la desigualdad. Compartimos una visión común de un futuro donde podemos introducir nuevos niveles de pensamiento apasionado donde cualquier acto de creación potencialmente puede ser una poderosa herramienta para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor para todos.

Chicano Art Gallery is a habitat for creative thinkers to come together with other likeminded people to form an environment of freedom of expression and exercise our imagination in innovative ways. We also want to maintain and continue to promote self love, healing, and pride in our Raza and community while educating the next generations of artists. Less than a block away from Historical Chicano Park in the Barrio Logan are of San Diego, California, is a new gallery that opened its doors in late 2013 with hopes to bring more life, beauty, Art and Culture to the community. Awareness, empowerment and acknowledgement of many great Chicanos that came before us and fought for a better tomorrow. And for all of the people who battled the injustices. Those who challenged the system and all of its flaws. For our comrades who started Revolutions. For those who stood up against the discrimination and maltreatment of many hard working human beings. Chicano Art Gallery is a platform for individuals and groups who have something to say. We welcome many different varieties of art forms such as poetry and spoken word, photography and many other visual arts, and musical performances. This domain is here to prove that many good things come from the Barrio, not just the negative stereo-typical labels that have been pressed upon many. This center is proof that positive change is possible and people are no longer willing to conform to corruption, unfair treatment, oppression and inequality. We share a common vision of a future where we can introduce new levels of passionate thinking where any Act of cReaTion can potentially be a powerful tool to make this world a better place for everyone.

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