Sunday, September 23, 2012

ISEA 2012 Block Party - Seed Broadcast

SeedBroadcast Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station spent an evening sharing seed stories on Central Avenue, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during the International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2012 Block Party, on September 26, 2012.

Albuquerque area residents, along with ISEA visitors, explored the Broadcast Station, listening to seed stories from around the country and watching videos like Seeds of Freedom, by The Gaia Foundation and the African Biodiversity Network, and our very own video, Letter From a Seed Broadcaster.

Drawing and writing on the Seed Broadcast "Germination Board," many people answered the questions, WHY IS SEED SAVING IMPORTANT? WHY DO YOU SAVE SEEDS? citing needs for survival, grassroots control over resources, and the poetry implicit in each act of planting and saving seeds.

Folks also participated in the SeedBroadcast event by filling out questionnaires and voicing their thoughts about the importance of seed saving, favorite seeds, sharing seeds, and concerns about seed saving. This fall, as we wrap up the 2012 tour, we will be including these textual thoughts in the blog. So stay posted for the publication of these digests and if you are interested in contributing your own questionnaire, these are available online for you to fill out and submit. Check it out at: SeedBroadast Online Questionnaire.

Several passerby's asked for seed saving information and used the SeedBroadcast Bulletin Board to copy and take references home, to further pursue their own seed saving experiments. One document that we have, from the Garden Organic's Heritage Seed Library, was of particular interest: Seed Saving Guidelines.  You can find other downloadable information from seed saving organizations around the world at our Online Bulletin Board. And, if you have a reference source you would like to share, email us, and let us know about it, so we can include it in the Online Bulletin Board.

Many local gardeners were also interested in locating or forming an Albuquerque Seed Swap. There were rumors of one being organized in the South Valley, and one last year at the Hubbell House, and in Old Town. If anyone knows of a local seed swap in Albuquerque, let us know, so we can pass on the information. Also, you can contact the Gardeners Guild of Albuquerque and check out their website to find out about more organizations across the city, who are supporting local food and gardening interests. These may be excellent places to start forming seed swaps. Also, ask you neighbors if they have seeds to share. You might be surprised how many people save seeds and grow gardens. It is simply incredible.

Best and in Seed Solidarity,
the seedbroadcasters

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